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"Stratification of the matchbox labels of Russian Empire

    Determination of the year of issue of the Russian Empire labels is not an easy task. Yet, if on the label there are remnants of the tax banderole, it gives some prompt.

1. Color and view of the tax banderole:

Orange - from 1888 till 1905
Olive - from 1905 till 1914
Black - from 1914 till 1917(19)

Russian tax banderoles of other colors and types are either of the period of 1848-1860 or early Soviet times.

Fragments of Ukrainian banderole (1917-1920)

Fragment of banderole (1917-1920 γγ.),
Country issued (Russia/Germany/Estonia) not yet determined

2. Labels presenting medals could not be issued ealier than the date at the medal.

Stanislav Dmitriev

Based on the information of
"Phillumeny encyclopaediai" by V.Barmakov
and materials presented by A.Pyshkin and A.Maleev.

Banderole full view (reconstruction by A.Maleev)
Note factory stamp on the left

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