A list (general text description) with information about match labels and sets, such as: the name of the label (set), quantity of labels in the set, the factory (manufacturer), year of release, size, and other data necessary for the collector (if known). For example, quantities of horizontal and vertical labels, colours of the paper, main colours of the arts, etc. Usually catalogues are limited by the framework of a given period, or time of activity of the certain factory, or the theme of interest. Labels in the catalogue are given, as a rule, in a chronological order.

The general catalogue - the full catalogue of match labels of a given country for the period of its existence (unreal dream of most collectors).

The illustrated catalogue - the catalogue, in which each position is illustrated by an image of one (quite seldom - all) labels of the set.

From ancient Greek "katalogos" - the list.

Equvivalent Russian term Каталог SpyLOG