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Puck match

SpyLOG From collections of Stanislav Dmitriev and Colin Plummer







Puck match
1895 - around 1910

Presented are:
1-3 - Bryan & May Ltd., not ealier than 1902
4-6 - The Diamond Match Co. (1895-1902)

Skillet 1 is from collection of Stanislav Dmitriev
Skillets 2-6 are from collection of Colin Plummer

Image 1 is highly retuched to make it presentable
Images 2-6 are scanned from copies, so colour might be a bit wrong

"Puck match" matches were made from Canadian white soft cork pine
(white is the cork; the wood is from light rosy to brown-red). The sticks were carved by the semi-circled carvers and (ideally) had a moon-like shape in section (really quite often the inner part consisted of two "cuts").
Quite probably the form gave the name
(have a look at "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by W.Shakespeare)

Might be they are the ealiest cardboard matchboxes with direct print.


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