Be engaged in tourism



Be engaged in tourism
"Krasnaya Zvezda" match factory (top) and
Turinsk match factory (bottom), 1959

Text on the labels:
Text on the picture of the badge: Турист СССР
Factory text:
"Krasnaya Zvezda" match factory
1959 г.
Кировский СНХ ф-ка "Красная Звезда"
ГОСТ 1820-56 50 шт.
Turinsk match factory
ГОСТ 1820-56
50 шт.
Свердловский совнархоз
спич. ф-ка г. Туринск 1959 г.

Labels size:
"Krasnaya Zvezda" match factory - 3/4 (33x47 mm)
Turinsk match factory - 4/4 (34x53 mm)