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Matchbox label - the weapon of the Communist party

    Àt the end of the Second World War the Red Army was fighting on the territories of the neibouring "bourgeois" states. And to any more or less thinking soldier it was quite clear that in most of this countries (with the exeption of Romania) the "oppressed" proletariat and "suppress by the bourgeoisy" peasants lived much better than in the "workers and peasants" Soviet Russia.

    This was also clear to the most Soviet leaders/

    And if during the was this question might be neglected, in the first post-war years it began to be more and more dangerous to the highest party leadrs, usurped the pover in the country. Something should be done!

    And "something" was done. Quite in the "proletarian" way. Soviet soldiers and most of the officers abroad were locked in barrack for all the time of the service. The learning of the foreign languagies in the schools and

Sample label with the approval of the
deputy minister of the timber and
paper industry.

From collection of Victor Raldugin
universities was stopped. Any correspondence with abroad (not encouraged before the war either) was forbidden. For many people a letter from abroad became the ticket to GULAG.

    The censorship ("not sleeping" even before) became multy-staged. And the most censored product was the one with the biggest circulation - matchbox labels. Sounds idiotocs, but the samples of all matchbox labels had to be approved by the deputy minister of the timber and paper industry!

    So the matchbox label was acknowledged as one of most dangerous (and efficient) printed item.

PS. Special thanks to Victor Raldugin, who sent the unique copy of the document that induced me to write this note.

© (text) S.Dmitriev, 2004.

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This page was last updated August 13th 2004

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