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Dutch Labels

Space matches (2)

SpyLOG From collection of Hans Everink












32 34 33
35 36 37




Space matches (2)
EDAH ZieZo grocery-shop promotional campain
The second issue - labels 21-40 (3 issues with 60 labels in all)

Labels are sorted according the numeration on them

Presented are (Dutch /
0 - Ruimtevaart lucifers, nrs 21-40 /
      Space matches, numbers 21-40
21 - Ontmoeting in de ruimte van Gemini-6 en -7 /
        Appointment in space of Gemini-6 and 7
22 - Gelande Gemini-6 met Schirra en Stafford /
        Splash down of Gemini-6 with Schirra and Stafford
23 - Agena raket in de ruimte /
        Agena rocket in space
24 - Entering Agena-raket door Gemini-8 /
        Gemini-8 docks to Agena
25 - Russische Loena-9 op maan geland /
        Russian Luna-9 comes down on the moon

26 - Lunar-orbiter maakt maanfoto's op 45 km afstand /
        Lunar-orbiter takes Moon pictures on a distance of 45 km
27 - Surveyor op de maan /
        Surveyor on the Moon
28 - Lancering Europ kunstmaan Heos-A op Amerik thor delta raket /
        Blasting off the European satellite Heos-A by the American Thor Delta rocket
29 - Verplaatsbaar lanceerplatform met Saturnus-5 raket /
        Movable launching pad with Saturn-5 rocket
30 - Saturnus-5 raket even hoog als Domtoren (110m) /
        Saturn-5 rocket is as high as Domtoren (110 m)
31 - Start Saturnus-5 raket met Apollo-8 capsule /
        Start of Satrurn-5 rocket with Apollo-8 capsule
32 - Apollo-8 in baan om de Maan /
        Apollo-8 orbits the Moon
33 - Opkomende aarde van de maan af gezien /
        Earthrize seen from the moon
34- Apollo-8 capsule daalt in de Stille oceaan /
        Apollo-8 lands in the Pacific ocean
35 - Kikvorsmannn bij Apollo-8 vliegdekschip nadert /
        Frogman near Apollo-8, carrier arrives
36 - Astronauten Apollo-8: Anders, Borman, Lovell /
        Astronauts of the Apollo-8: Anders, Borman, Lovell
37 - Apollo-10 met landingsvaartuig (LM) in de baan om de Maan /
        Apollo-10 with Landing Module orbiting the Moon
38 - Astronaut verzamelt materiaal van maanbodem /
        Astronaut collecting material from the Moon surface
39 - LM start van platform op Maan voor terugreis /
        Landing Module starts from the platform on the Moon for return
40 - L M weer verenigd met Apollo astronauten stappen over voor retourvlucht /
        Landing Module docks with Apollo and astronauts are going back to the Earth

Label 0 (packing label) size 68x77 mm, box labels size 35x50 mm

Translation from Dutch by Hans Everink


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