Virtual Matchbox Labels Museum - Russian labels - Advertising - Page 6 - "Sigarettes boxes" SpyLOG

Russian version
Russian labels - Advertising - Page 6
From collections of Stanislav Dmitriev and Victor Raldugin


"Sigarettes boxes"






"Sigarettes boxes"
1, 2, 5 - presumably Balabanovo experimental match factory, 2000
3, 4 - "Sibir" match factory, 2001

Presented are:
1. West sigarettes - Box with the same picture on both sides
2. L&M sigarettes - Box laminted after glueing up, fire strip pressed over lamination
3. "Pietr I" (Piter I) sigarettes
4. "Prima" sigarettes
5. City sigaretts - Sigarettes-box formed matchbox
Bending and cut lines spesially stressed, glueing flaps not shown

Boxes real sizes:
1 - 35x54x10 mm;
2 - 36x51x10 mm;
3, 4 - skillet size 50x113 mm;
5 - 35x51x10 mm, front flap height 18 mm.

Boxes 1, 2, 5 are from collection of Stanislav Dmitriev
Boxes 3, 4 are from collection of Victor Raldugin
No big images for boxes 1, 2, 5 for a time


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This page was last updated November 11th 2002

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